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GENERAL FUND <br />Administrator Baird informed the Board that the overall proposed budget for the County <br />Commissioners was $17,001,988, a $2,379,595 or 12.3% decrease. He thereafter outlined the <br />proposed budgets and reductions for the Board of County Commissioners, including all <br />department budgets under the Board of County Commissioners, as found on page 31 of the <br />backup. <br />Responding to Commissioner Solari's inquiry, Attorney Collins said that he preferred to <br />accomplish the 14.0% reduction in his budget through employee furloughs, wherein each <br />employee would be required to take one furlough day without pay every two weeks. <br />Commissioner Solari outlined his reasons for preferring to reduce the Legal staff by one <br />attorney. <br />The Board and staff continued to discuss whether to achieve the County Attorney's <br />budget cuts through employee furloughs or reduction of Legal staff by one attorney. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Wheeler, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner O'Bryan, for discussion, <br />to accept the County Attorney's recommendation to <br />achieve the Legal department's budget cuts by the use of <br />employee furloughs. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan felt that any restructuring of personnel should be left to the new <br />County Attorney, after Attorney Collins retires in March 2010. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and by a 3-2 <br />vote (Commissioners Davis and Solari opposed), the <br />July 23, 2009 3 <br />