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MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner O'Bryan, for <br />approval of staff's recommendation with the caveat that <br />this might be a one time extension only. There was no <br />Second. MOTION FAILED. <br />The Chairman Called the Question. The MOTION <br />FAILED by a 2-3 vote, (Commissioners O'Bryan, <br />Flescher, and Davis opposed), to change the elk to <br />grapefruit. <br />Vice Chairman Davis understood Commissioner O'Bryan's concerns, but did not <br />believe this would be a problem. He was in favor of approval but not the caveat added by <br />Commissioner O'Bryan. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan clarified that the caveat was not meant to be a part of the <br />Motion, but was rather an expression of his opinion. He restated the Motion. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner O'Bryan, <br />SECONDED by Vice Chairman Davis to approve staff's <br />recommendation. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the <br />Motion carried unanimously. The Board approved the <br />sidewalk extension for an additional two (2) years (to <br />April 4, 2010), and authorized the Chairman to execute the <br />Modification to Contract for Construction of Required <br />Sidewalk Improvements so long as the letter of credit is <br />further amended to extend the expiration date to July 4, <br />5 <br />July 8, 2008 <br />