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County Administrator Baird and County Attorney Collins, responded to questions of <br />Mr. Heady <br /> about the sufficiency of water to accommodate 800 more units, how expansion of <br />current water facilities is being funded, and when the developers pay for that. <br />Mr. Heady <br /> also inquired about setting aside 10 acres for an elementary school <br />Grades 1-8 to alleviate traffic concerns. <br />County Attorney Collins stated that Zoning cannot be conditioned as a matter of law <br />but it would be possible at the time of the site plan application with the cooperation of more than <br />one developer in that area. <br />A discussion ensued about the School Board determining the best site for a new <br />school. <br />Bob Johnson <br /> had two questions, first, he understood the applicants have changed <br />ownership since last rezoning and second, he asked if this has gone before P & Z this time. <br />County Attorney Collins responded that ownership does not matter whether it is an <br />appropriate land use, and the P & Z supported this request and recommended unanimously <br />approval of RM-6; it was the Board that rezoned it RM-3. <br />Mr. Johnson <br /> thought it should go to back to P & Z and would like the Board to stick <br />with RM-3. <br />Sig Lysne <br />, 109 Prestwick Circle, advised of his airplane spraying business that <br />began in 1946 to spray for mosquitoes. For 58 years his mosquito-spraying contract has been <br />renewed. Planes fly in and out of their airport; the end of the runway is about 800’ north of the <br />west boundary of the 160 acre tract (SK Vero). He wanted the developers to be aware that <br />airplanes do take off and land in the vicinity and 80% of the take offs and landings are to the south <br />because of the prevailing southeasterly winds in Florida. Mr. Lysne did not want anyone calling <br />him to stop flying; they should call the developer. He suggested if there is going to be arbitration <br />on the number of units, why not arbitrate for 4 units and not 4.5 units per acre. <br />At Vice Chairman Neuberger’s request, Director Keating showed the location of the <br />airstrip on a map. <br />August 10, 2004 <br />21 <br /> <br />