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Last modified
7/23/2015 11:48:52 AM
Creation date
6/11/2015 11:23:45 AM
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APR 2 31990 Boot- 43 P+cE 392 - <br />North "Gibson Road" Annexation - A portion of this area is proposed to be <br />annexed into the City of Sebastian in both the old "Adley Summary Report" <br />and in the upcoming Sebastian Comprehensive Plan. The staff generally <br />agrees that the unincorporated areas between the Sebastian Airport and the <br />Sebastian "Old Town" area could logically and practically be annexe:, into <br />the City. The question arises, however, as to what extent is it desirable` <br />to extend past the "Old Town" area or encroach on the Roseland community. <br />Ultimately the issue will center on two major factors which relate first to <br />the desires of the Roseland community (and a delineation of where the com- <br />munity actually extends to), and secondly the City of Sebastian's overall <br />capacity to provide services in existing and expanded incorporated areas. <br />Without going into all of the "debatable issues" surrounding those two <br />factors, it should be stated that the staff does basically agree with the <br />general precept of eliminating "enclaves, islands, pockets, fingers", etc. <br />within municipalities or on their immediate fringes. We are opposed, how- <br />ever, to the continued or gradual progression of annexation actions which <br />would eventually lead to the absorption of a distinct community such as <br />Roseland, or the over extension of a municipality when substantial areas <br />within the existing City are potentially penalized in terms of being delayed <br />in receiving future urban services. <br />This particular annexation does involve property which directly abuts the <br />existing City although it leaves a 19 acre enclave directly to the south. <br />Approximately 1600 feet or roughly 50% of the area does join the existing <br />City limits. Ultimately the general area to the west of the East Coast <br />Railroad to the Airport can reasonably be incorporated. The staff is, how- <br />ever, concerned that the City of Sebastian is initiating an annexation <br />policy to the north which will evolve into including all properties that can <br />be absorbed without the benefit of a plan of services or feasibility study, <br />and more importantly without analyzing the future impact on existing City <br />residents. <br />South (Hyatt)Annexation - This annexation encompassing approximately 157 <br />acres does not involve properties which are cited for incorporation in the <br />Adley Report or in the upcoming Comprehensive Plan. The area'does abut the <br />existing eastern City limits line and extends approximately 1/4 mile to the <br />south towards the Wabasso community. The area is zoned Agricultural under <br />the County's classification system and is being mined for sand. <br />This incorporation could not be considered an effort to reduce or eliminate <br />pockets or enclaves around the City's fringes. It is the staff's opinion <br />that the annexation in effect creates more pronounced enclaves particularly <br />to the north and west up to the'Twin Lakes section of the Highlands. The <br />remaining unincorporated area is an extremely large pocket of land including <br />several mobile home parks and other scattered residential aid conrrercial <br />developments. In sum,the City's action will likely encourage further <br />expansions in the future. The primary question is again whether the City is <br />exceeding future service capabilities or -perhaps even diluting the capacity <br />to provide basic services to existing residents. <br />Based on those considerations, it is the Feeling of staff that this annex- <br />ation is not consistent with good planning or management practices. <br />COMMISSIONER WODTKE ASKED WHAT CAN WE DO LEGALLY IF WE <br />ARE OPPOSED TO SUCH ANNEXATIONS. <br />ATTORNEY COLLINS STATED THAT THERE IS A 30 DAY APPEAL <br />PERIOD. HE EXPLAINED THAT THERE ARE BASICALLY TWO DIFFERENT TYPES <br />OF ANNEXATIONS — ONE REQUIRES A VOTE AND THE OTHER IS VOLUNTARY. <br />THE TYPE WHICH REQUIRES A REFERENDUM HAS ALL KINDS OF SAFEGUARDS <br />138 <br />
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