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IO.B.4. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROMSANDRA BLAKLEY, DOG KIDZ COUNTRY <br />DAYCARE & BOARDING, REGARDING APPLICATION OF KENNEL SET <br />BACKS TO NON -KENNEL PORTION OF PROPERTY <br />Sandra Blakley, owner of Dog Kidz Country Daycare and Boarding, located <br />on 7050 77th Street, presented a handout (copy on file) to the Board, which included site plans <br />for her business. She discussed how she had received County approval for a fencing plan prior <br />to the closing on her property, and subsequently had received notice of a code violation stating <br />that a kennel must maintain a minimum of seventy-five (75) feet separation distance from <br />adjacent properties. Ms. Blakley presented her arguments disputing Code Enforcement's <br />determination that her business should be treated as a kennel, and requested that her business be <br />left alone. <br />Richard & Barbara Cahoy, 1560 St. David's Lane, pointed out that many <br />citizens had turned out in support of Ms. Blakley. Mr. Cahoy read a statement (copy on file) <br />supporting Ms. Blakley's business and asked the Board to override the Code Enforcement Board <br />and allow Mrs. Blakely to proceed with her business. <br />Commissioner Wheeler had reviewed the site plan, and had also visited Dog <br />Kidz, and did not believe there was any nuisance at the facility. He believed Code Enforcement <br />was being used to harass Ms. Blakley over a neighborhood disagreement, and wanted the <br />situation rectified. <br />Vice Chairman Davis also went to see Dog Kidz. He did not see how 75 feet <br />could make much of a difference; opined that the dog facilities served a tremendous need in the <br />community; and expressed his desire to try to accommodate Dog Kidz. <br />24 <br />August 12, 2008 <br />