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Resolutions and requesting the City and Town to pass their resolutions in order to inform the <br />customer electorate as soon as possible. <br />Authorize the County staff to arrange with the City for stuffers or similar <br />communications to be included in the City's utility bills to advise the customer electorate of the <br />County Board's Resolution and other information related to the utility issues. <br />Authorize the County staff to work with the other jurisdictions in relation to the <br />Referendum and implementing actions required subsequent to it. <br />John Lee, Customer Service Manager for the City of Vero Beach, addressed <br />the perceived differences between the utility bills for customers inside and outside the City <br />limits, and explained how the costs of the bills were identical, except for the County Franchise <br />Fee on the "Outside City limits" bills (cost comparison on file). <br />Dr. Stephen Faherty discussed how important it is for customers living in the <br />unincorporated City Limits and Indian River Shores, to have representation and the ability to <br />control potential costs which would be passed onto them as shareholders. He said that the <br />Referendum provides for a separate Utility Authority, which would replace the City Utility <br />Advisory Commission, and which would be representative of the entire customer base. <br />Vice Chairman Davis believed that the debate was not necessarily about the <br />fees, but more about who has the ability to elect the individuals who are imposing the fees. <br />Chairman Bowden concurred with Vice Chairman Davis, stating that the issue <br />was about representation. <br />W <br />August 12, 2008 <br />