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<br />P.A. REPESENTING CITIZENS CONCERNED FOR THE <br />FUTURE OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, INC. <br />Commissioner Davis pointed out that some developers have been denied <br />concurrency and he wanted to formulate a method of payment of impact fees and to address the <br />issue of concurrency by creating a system that counts concurrency and at the same time does not <br />allow the large developers to prevent a small developer from obtaining a building permit. This <br />dilemma is beginning to affect the roads. He used Vero Lake Estates and Pointe West as <br />examples. <br />Chuck Mechling, <br /> 1990 Pointe West Drive, wanted to see a system devised where <br />there can be better planning in the long run and with an accelerated road program. <br />Discussion ensued regarding trips associated with a project being counted when a <br />developer pays impact fees. Staff felt considering all the trips up to the time of buildout would take <br />up to two years to determine those numbers. <br />Commissioner Davis expressed the importance of counting all the trips in the <br />pipeline as early in the process as possible, as a reservation, so they can plan to work with the <br />Department of Transportation on roads. <br />Administrator Baird wanted to methodically look at the system and see if there are <br />any ramifications. He felt impact fees should be paid at building permit time and that it should <br />remain that way. <br />Joseph Paladin <br />, Atlantic Coast Development, inquired what the Board wanted the <br />Growth Awareness Committee to work on. <br />Administrator Baird responded that the Board wanted more safeguards. He asked <br />the committee to address when impact fees should be paid in full, the need for a better road system, <br />and to work with staff and have them bring a recommendation back to the Board. <br /> <br />There was CONSENSUS to leave payment of impact <br />fees at the time of obtaining the building permit. For <br />22 <br />AUGUST 23, 2005 <br /> <br />