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6.68% below rollback; the elimination of 26 full-time positions accounted for a reduction of about <br />$1,368,000; and the ad valorem tax revenue is down about $2.3 million. He emphasized that <br />Amendment I contributed to a loss of about $2.6 million in revenue. <br />Chairman Bowden opened the floor to public comments. There were no speakers and the <br />Chairman closed the public comment period. <br />There were no proposed changes to the budget. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by <br />Vice Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously approved the <br />millage rate of 3.0689, and approved Resolution 2008-124, <br />establishing the tax millage rate to be levied upon all real <br />and personal taxable property in Indian River County, <br />Florida, for fiscal year 2008-2009 for the General Fund. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Flescher, SECONDED by <br />Vice Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously approved the <br />dollar amount of $82,016,250, and approved Resolution <br />2008-125, amending the County Budget Officer's estimates <br />of receipts other than taxes and of balances to be brought <br />forward for fiscal year 2008-2009 and adopting a final <br />budget for the General Fund. <br />SEPTEMBER 10, 2008 3 <br />