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After detailed explanation and provision of options of how the County may proceed <br />in its review of Chapter 973, and interpretation of the Code Enforcement Statute by Attorney <br />Collins, Commissioner Davis expressed a desire to proceed with advertising for a public hearing to <br />consider amending the County's Code. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner O'Bryan, the Board unanimously granted <br />permission to advertise for a Public Hearing for An <br />Ordinance Amending the Indian River Code Chapter 973 <br />Nuisance Abatement. <br />D. COMMISSIONER JOSEPH E. FLESCHER <br />I. APPOINTMENT OF COMMISSION LIAISON TO THE INTERLOCAL <br />SERVICE BOUNDARY AGREEMENT WORKING GROUP <br />Commissioner Flescher explained why he placed this item on the Agenda. He has <br />been attending Interlocal Agreement discussions/meetings between municipalities and believed <br />the County should have a dedicated liaison in the form of an elected official. <br />Commissioner Davis thought it would be good for one of them to be there. <br />Chairman Wheeler was opposed to the request, as he believed the presence of any elected official <br />from the County would present a "subliminal pressure" on the negotiations, and he wanted to keep <br />the influence of politics out of those meetings. <br />Commissioner Flescher pointed out that the Statutes encourage elected government <br />officials to participate actively and directly in the negotiation process for developing an Interlocal <br />Service Boundary Agreement. He believed his presence was very supportive of the process, and <br />September 11, 2007 32 <br />