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<br />Vice Chairman Wheeler stated that when he questioned Sheriff Raymond recently <br />about the 12% increase for the Sheriff’s employees, he was informed that it was an <br />across-the-board increase for all Sheriff’s employees. He felt that puts the Commissioners in an <br />uncomfortable situation with the rest of the County employees. He continued that many <br />employees are not law enforcement and when the 12% was recommended and the Commission <br />voted on it a month or two ago, that was done to support, in his mind, law enforcement and <br />corrections officers, where we are losing people (to better paying agencies). <br /> <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Wheeler to <br />bring Sheriff’s budget back from 12% to 8%, which would <br />be a $681,809 reduction. <br /> <br />Vice Chairman Wheeler added that he had spent time earlier today with <br />Management & Budget Director Jason Brown and Mr. Harry Hall (Comptroller, Sheriff’s Office), <br />and he felt the Sheriff could still give the 12% raises to the law enforcement and corrections <br />divisions within the Sheriff’s office. He stated the rest of the situation, as far as raises, would fall <br />in place when the countywide pay study is completed so that comparable employees would be paid <br />similarly across-the-board. He hoped that study would include all the Constitutional Officers’ <br />offices. <br /> <br />There was no second and the MOTION DIED. <br /> <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Lowther, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Davis, to approve the <br />proposed millage rate for the General Fund. <br /> <br />SEPTEMBER 13, 2006 <br />3 <br /> <br />