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Planning Director Stan Boling recalled the Board's adoption on October 23, 2007, <br />of Comprehensive Plan changes which created a Mobil Home Rental Park (MHRP) designation <br />affording protections to residents of rental parks from conversion of the parks to other uses. <br />Through a review of the backup memorandum of September 4, 2008, Director Boling presented <br />background and analysis of staff s request to allow a limited number of Recreational Vehicles <br />(RV's) to rent space in some of the MHRP's. He then presented his request for the Board to <br />authorize staff to initiate a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to allow a limited number of RV's <br />as a use in MHRP's and to make any corresponding LDR Amendments that would be needed to <br />regulate that usage. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Wheeler, SECONDED <br />by Vice Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously directed <br />staff to initiate a Comprehensive Plan text amendment and <br />LDR amendment to allow a limited number of recreational <br />vehicles (RV's) in Mobil home rental parks (MHRP), as <br />recommended in the memorandum of September 4, 2008. <br />12.A. 2. CONSIDERATION OF PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION <br />RECOMMENDATIONS ON MINING REGULATIONS & GROUNDWATER <br />ISSUES <br />Planning Director Stan Boling, recapped the backup memorandum of August 19, <br />2008 and used a PowerPoint presentation to provide background on the Board's request for staff <br />and the Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC) to re-evaluate the County's existing mining <br />regulations. He recalled actions which ensued subsequent to a six (6) month mining <br />moratorium which began January 7, 2008, and presented highlights and analysis of some of the <br />recommendations made by staff and the PZC. He noted that any changes to the regulations <br />which the County wishes to pursue must happen before January 7, 2009, when the moratorium <br />31 <br />September 16, 2008 <br />