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Suzon Franzke, 8190 37th Street, requested that the Board hold an evening <br />meeting, to accommodate working people, when the final vote is made on the LDR's. She <br />addressed the Board with her suggestions and concerns, particularly enforcement issues and <br />truck traffic, and voiced opposition to PZC's recommendation to continue mining in AG -1 <br />zoning. She also expressed concerns about whether Vice Chairman Davis (whose brother owns <br />a mine), and Mr. Hamner (who has agricultural interests), should be allowed to participate in the <br />mining deliberations. <br />Attorney Collins explained the law and affirmed the suitability of Vice Chairman <br />Davis's participation in mining discussions and votes. He offered to provide a memorandum to <br />the Board containing the Attorney General's opinion on conflicts of interest, and would provide <br />a copy to Ms. Franzke. <br />Mr. Hamner provided assurances that his agricultural interests did not conflict <br />with his participation in mining deliberations. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan wanted staff to re-examine and tighten up all of the uses <br />which are presently allowed under AG -1. He remarked that some mapping could be done, <br />where certain areas might be designated suitable for mining, and others could be designated as <br />suitable for residential. <br />Discussion ensued as the Board considered: (1) whether it would be appropriate, <br />at this time, to review all of the recommendations at today's meeting, or if it would be better to <br />have a separate meeting; and (2) whether to go ahead and receive public input today. <br />Attorney Collins advised that the Board could have a Special Call Meeting to <br />discuss the recommendations, at which public comment could be received. <br />34 <br />September 16, 2008 <br />