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ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Davis, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously approved <br />the Developer's Agreement with Del Lago Inc. d/b/a/ <br />Race Trac, as recommended in the memorandum of <br />September 10, 2008. <br />13.B. PURCHASE OF MARK'S MOBIL FOR THE STATE ROAD 60/43RD <br />AVENUE INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT <br />Deputy County Attorney William DeBraal reviewed the backup memorandum of <br />September 10, 2008, providing background and details on the County's prospective purchase of <br />Mark's Mobil service station, located at the intersection of SR60 and 43rd Avenue, and owned <br />by Mark and Winona Hall. Attorney DeBraal displayed an aerial view of the property required <br />for road expansion, and stated that the Hall's are entitled to full compensation for the value of <br />the property, since the remaining parcel would be rendered virtually worthless as a result of the <br />County's take. He then presented staff's recommendation to accept the offer for the Hall's to <br />receive $1.65 million for their property. <br />Attorney DeBraal confirmed for Commissioner Wheeler that the entire cost for <br />the property, inclusive of all fees, would be $1.65 million. <br />County Administrator Joseph Baird expressed staffs opinion that the proposed <br />offer was much too high. <br />Chairman Bowden posed questions to Attorney DeBraal regarding the property <br />appraisal. <br />38 <br />September 16, 2008 <br />