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5. C. PRESENTATION BY RONNIE HEWETT, PRESIDENT & CEO, BOYS & <br />GIRLS CLUB OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />President & CEO Ronnie Hewett, Boys and Girls Club of Indian River County, <br />discussed the proposed relocation of the 27th Avenue South County Boys and Girls Club to <br />the South County Park. He updated the Commissioners on the Club's current projects, and <br />provided a brief synopsis of the need and proposed plans for the new building. Mr. Hewett <br />asked for Board approval of the project in concept, so that Club officials could talk with the <br />Recreation Commission and the Recreation Department to organize the plan, and return to <br />the Board in October or November 2007 with more specific information. <br />Discussion ensued among the Board, Administrator Baird, and Mr. Hewitt <br />regarding the feasibility of creating a special needs emergency shelter at the new facility, <br />the importance of not duplicating recreational services, and the advantages of having the <br />County and School Board partner with the Boys and Girls Club. The Board directed <br />Administrator Baird to meet with Mr. Hewett and the School Board for further discussions. <br />Scott Chisholm, Chairman, Parks and Recreation Commission, expressed <br />consternation that this item had not gone before his committee for a recommendation, and <br />suggested that the Board let them review this and work out the details. He informed the <br />Board that his organization has a master plan for the South County Park, and he wanted to <br />begin fund raising so construction could begin in January 2008. Mr. Chisholm <br />acknowledged the Boys and Girls Club as an excellent community resource, but declared <br />that they had never approached Parks and Recreation regarding their desire to utilize the <br />South County location. <br />Mr. Chisholm stated that the Boys and Girls Club has great partnerships with the <br />School Board, and he advocated partnering with other agencies to avoid duplication of <br />September 18, 2007 4 <br />