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4. BUDGET OVERVIEW BY COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR, <br />JOSEPH A. BAIRD <br />County Administrator Joseph Baird presented an overview of the <br />2008/2009 proposed Budget totaling $289,650,399, showing a decrease of about $175 <br />million, about 37% from last year. He advised that the County was proposing a <br />reduction in ad valorem taxes of $5.2 million, a decrease of 6.3%. He reported that the <br />tax roll was down by 5.6%, and the passage of Amendment 1 had resulted in a decrease <br />in taxing funds of 4.9%. Additionally, the 1/2 cent sales tax revenue decreased by <br />$406,000, or 5.1%; and State Revenue Sharing decreased by 5.5% or $158,000. <br />Administrator Baird outlined this year's budget cuts, noting the elimination <br />of 85 full-time positions, 74 under the Board of County Commissioners and 11 under the <br />Constitutional Officers, which accounted for about a $4.7 million reduction. He reported <br />that a new accounting requirement to document employee benefits (retirement and health <br />insurance), has increased budget expenses by $2.7 million. Fuel costs rose by about <br />$620,000. Estimated electrical costs were reduced by about $170,000, and over $100,000 <br />in travel expenses were reduced. Administrator Baird divulged that the County was <br />looking at a $1.2 million reduction in interest earnings. He thereafter conveyed that, in <br />view of the current local and national economic environments, it had been a very <br />challenging budget to put together. <br />jW.A M% 0).9 0101.1 a111e1 1 <br />A. AD VALOREM MILLAGE AND AD VALOREM BUDGET <br />GENERAL FUND <br />Administrator Baird announced that the proposed budget for the General <br />Fund is $82,016,250, about $2.8 million less than the current year. The millage for the <br />current year is 3.2885, and the proposed millage is 3.0689, 6.7 % below rollback. He <br />September 3, 2008 2 <br />Preliminary Budget <br />