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5. AD VALOREM FUNDS <br />A. AD VALOREM MILLAGE AND AD VALOREM BUDGET <br />GENERALFUND <br /> <br />County Administrator Baird announced the proposed budget for the general fund is <br />$85,992,375; and the proposed millage is 3.1973, 10.14% above rollback and 9.7% below current <br />rate of 3.5204. He specified the reasons for the $7,980,000 increase in the budget, which mainly <br />have to do with the increased number of positions. <br /> <br />Chairman Neuberger opened the floor to public comments. <br /> <br />Frank Coffey, <br /> on behalf of the Taxpayers Association of Indian River County, <br />narrated a PowerPoint presentation on the Sheriff’s proposed budget that he advised was the same <br />as previously presented during the July Budget Workshop. (Copy of PowerPoint presentation is <br />on file with the backup.) At the conclusion of his presentation, Mr. Coffey asked for clarification <br />on the (1) appropriateness of using impact fees for existing facilities or only for new facilities; (2) <br />whether the Sheriff’s Citizens Review Committee is required to operate under the Sunshine Law; <br />and (3) if the funding appropriated to the Sheriff for capital equipment could be moved from one <br />account to another. <br />County Attorney Collins explained that funds derived from law enforcement impact <br />fees could not go toward any salary expense. He referred to the ordinance that set up the impact <br />fees, and opined that the revenues should go to capital facilities needed to equip the deputies that <br />would be required to accommodate new growth and maintain the level of service. <br />SEPTEMBER 6, 2006 <br />3 <br /> <br />