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4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA / EMERGENCY <br />ITEMS <br />1. Remove Item 8.FF — Corrections to Resolution 2008-116. <br />2. Addition: Item 14.C.1. Gifford Pool. <br />ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Davis, SECONDED by <br />Chairman Bowden, the Board unanimously approved the <br />above changes to the Agenda. <br />5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br />A. PRESENTATION BY GWENDA THOMPSON, PRESIDENT/CEO OF THE <br />WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD REGARDING THE ONE-STOP <br />CAREER CENTER AND SYSTEM IN INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />Gwenda Thompson, President/CEO, of the Workforce Development Board, <br />thanked Commissioners for allowing her to share information on the upcoming changes to the <br />local workforce development system. She announced the piloting of a new model in their <br />region, which began with a Workforce Board Strategic Planning Retreat in the fall of 2006 when <br />the Board determined that performance improvements were needed, and declining funds required <br />a new way of doing business. She described in detail the business improvement plan they <br />developed and how data gathered from a survey brought awareness that they needed to use their <br />funds more efficiently. As a result, beginning this month and continuing through December, <br />they will be making significant changes in the County. The Workforce Development Center and <br />One Stop Career Center will merge and will now be known as "Workforce Solutions," and by <br />September 9, 2008 2 <br />