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furloughs. He suggested leaving the percentage set at 14% today, review the records from the <br />Budget Workshop, then make a decision at the Final Budget Meeting. <br />Discussion ensued regarding Board and employee relations, micro -management, shifts in <br />workload, and policy decisions. <br />Attorney Collins expressed his opinion that administering the decrease through furloughs <br />would be a better approach than eliminating a position. <br />Chairman Davis mentioned earlier in the meeting that he felt the workload had shifted, <br />and Attorney DeBraal elaborated on the comment. <br />Attorney DeBraal asked the Board to respect the decision of staff and the department's <br />employees, approving furloughs rather than a reduction. <br />Director Brown provided the Board with figures and percentages of the decreases in the <br />Legal Department's budget as it would be affected by the reduction of each staff attorney. <br />The Board briefly discussed the effectiveness of furlough days. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and by a 3-2 <br />vote (Commissioners O'Bryan and Wheeler opposed), <br />the Motion carried. The Board approved to eliminate <br />one attorney position according to the County Attorney's <br />recommended options to reduce the budget. <br />The Chairman opened the floor to public comments. Seeing none, the Chairman closed <br />the public comments. <br />September 9, 2009 <br />Preliminary Budget Hearing <br />