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AUG 2 71980 <br />Boa 44 PAGE 381 <br />TO: T%:YOR NOLAN <br />FROM: W. W. SIEBERT, JP.. <br />RE: COUNTY - TOW1FIRE AGREEE.►•_ENT <br />DATE: AUGUST 14, 1980 <br />Dear Mayor Nolan: <br />At the Budoet workshop meeting, we discussed the -following <br />compromise to settling the litigation between the town and <br />county of the -fire station and equipment. The County Commis- <br />sion informally acreed to the following: <br />1. The Town would maintain fire protection for the North <br />Beach (on the beach area) and the Town of" Orchid or three <br />veers at no cost. <br />2. The Town would ccnvey to Indian River County or the new <br />fire district the pumper and_ related equipment. <br />3. The aerial truck would be made available for the entire <br />county and all municipalities at no charge. <br />4. The contracts between the town and. county would be <br />terminated and all fire related pend?ng litication dismissed. <br />5. Monies previously paid by the county to the town -would <br />be considered part of the settlement. <br />16. The pumper would be transferred into the South County <br />Fire District upon its approval. <br />7. In the event the South County fire District Referendum <br />Lgi ls, the county will budget $12,000.00 per year for the next <br />two years for the Lurc.nase of a tanner truck by the Town to be <br />used- 1n se 3c'_,iC the un_nccrDC_ a ted area. The $12,000.00 a <br />:'ear, although used to p•_,rc ;ase the pui:wer, shall he the co:-pen- <br />satlon to the Town for servicing the unincorporated area durina <br />the two year period. <br />Please review these items at vour earliest convenience with <br />the other councilmen and advise the county of' the town's position. <br />z< <br />i <br />""''" -� f✓✓.�J ..rte �.�G � .,��� <br />, � Z -r- t7 <br />