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Discussion ensued concerning the Resolution, removing the checks and balance, the <br />processes of the Sheriff and collective bargaining units, good faith bargaining, and Board <br />objectivity when observing the Sheriff's or Union's side. <br />Vice Chairman Solari acknowledged that the Board is currently the Legislative Body, and <br />that it ought not be, due to limited information/capacities. He believed the Special Master would <br />be able to obtain more information and details than the Board. <br />Mr. Valis said this is a fairness issue of unfair labor practices, and he did not want the <br />Board to tip the scale, but to let it play out. <br />Assistant County Administrator Michael Zito felt the Special Master would be better <br />trained in certain issues, and have experience in the competing interest for the Sheriff' s <br />management rights, and the employees' rights to collectively bargain for the conditions of <br />employment. He said this would have to come with an expressed limitation that any decision <br />that the Special Master would render could not impose upon the Commission's appropriation <br />authority. <br />After a brief discussion among the Commissioners regarding Board responsibilities, <br />fairness, collective bargaining, and accountability, each Commissioner voiced his support or <br />opposition to the Resolution. <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION and the <br />Motion FAILED by a 2-3 vote (Commissioners Davis, <br />O'Bryan and Solari opposed). <br />21 <br />February 2, 2010 <br />