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Commissioner Davis favored the two-year extension; however, the other Board Members <br />felt that a six-month extension would be judicious. <br />MOTION WAS AMENDED by Commissioner Wheeler, <br />SECONDED by Vice Chairman Solari, to approve the <br />modification to the Lease Agreement with Deputy Mark <br />Smith for tenancy within the South County Regional Park, <br />for a period of six (6) months. <br />Attorney Collins addressed Commissioner Davis's question on what would happen if <br />Deputy Smith was unable to sell his home within the designated time frame, after which the <br />following action was taken: <br />The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, and by a 4-1 <br />vote (Commissioner Davis opposed), the Motion carried. <br />AGREEMENT IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />13. B. REQUEST FROM HAWK'S NEST GOLF CLUB, INC., FOR RELEASE OF <br />MORTGAGE <br />Attorney Collins recapped the memorandum of February 18, 2010 to provide background <br />and analysis on the request of Hawk's Nest Golf Club, Inc., owner of real property located on <br />57th Street, for the County to release its mortgage on the subject land. He explained that due to <br />57th Street's removal from the thoroughfare plan grid system of the Comprehensive Plan, the <br />County no longer has a need for the subject site. He thereafter presented staff's <br />recommendation to grant Hawk Nest Golf Club's request to release the subject mortgage. <br />26 <br />March 2, 2010 <br />