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POLICY 2.6: Prior to 2011, the County will coordinate with the City of Vero Beach and <br />the Town of Indian River Shores to prepare a financial analysis of options related to the <br />possibility of consolidation of utility services. This analysis may consist of, but is not <br />limited to: the possibility of the County serving utilities to the Town of Indian River <br />Shores, currently served by the City of Vero Beach and the Unincorporated area of the <br />South Barrier Island, currently served by the City of Vero Beach, full consolidation of the <br />City of Vero Beach Utility with the Indian River County Utility or making no changes in <br />the existing utility service areas. Based on the results of a financial analysis of the various <br />service options, the Board of County Commissioners will consider implementing the <br />results that show the best financial and operational benefits. <br />Director Keating explained that Objective 4, pertaining to water conservation, has a new <br />policy to revise the Utilities Pricing Plan to discourage excessive water use; a new policy <br />requiring all new subdivisions of twenty-five or more lots within one quarter of mile of an <br />existing re -use line to connect to the re -use line for irrigation; and a new policy to require that <br />water from retention ponds be used for irrigation. <br />OBJECTIVE 4 Water Conservation <br />By 2020, the County's per capita water use will be less than the 2006 level of 104 <br />gallons/day. <br />POLICY 4.6: The County's water pricing system shall continue to be equitable, but shall <br />continue to charge an exponentially increasing unit rate for high volume residential users <br />(those using more than three times the Level of Service standard established in Policy <br />1.3). <br />POLICY 4.8: The County shall require all new subdivisions and projects of 25 or more <br />lots/units that are within a '/4 mile of an effluent reuse line to connect to the effluent reuse <br />line. When a project meets above criteria, developer shall be required to construct an <br />effluent reuse line. <br />POLICY 4.10: The County shall require new developments to use water from retention <br />ponds, instead of water from wells, for irrigation. <br />Continuing his PowerPoint, Director Keating reviewed the new alternative water supply <br />policies which are required by the state, as follows: <br />14 <br />April 19, 2010 <br />