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for the past several years and will continue to be conservative and frugal. She addressed <br />questions from the Board regarding the Drivers License Mandate, funding the operation, and the <br />need for more space. <br />Miranda Swanson, Health Department Administrator, expressed that her department had <br />done the best they could do with the money they received. She said the last four years have been <br />challenging, and despite the reduced Budget, they are still hoping to increase their visits while <br />maintaining their services. She addressed questions from the Board regarding H1N1 <br />compensation, preparedness, and implementation. <br />Carolyn Corum, Dolores Street, Sebastian, had researched back 18 years, and realized <br />that Indian River County's Residential Impact Fees were very low, currently down by 85%, <br />which she felt was hurting the County's economy and budget. She asked the Board to keep <br />Impact Fees in line. <br />An unidentified speaker opposed cutting jobs and felt the solution would be to reduce <br />employees' pay. <br />Walter Geiger, 3944 58th Circle, stated the reasons why he felt the Fire Stations could be <br />operated more efficiently by using four fire fighters instead of five. <br />Beverly O'Neill, 9790 Sebastian, offered suggestions for Budget strategies by <br />reorganizing and/or combining all Staff Assistants, instead of assigning them separately, which <br />would be a savings to the County on equipment, space, etc. <br />Brad Bernauer, Director of Human Services, declared that Children Services is a basic <br />need for the County, that it handles the funding of programs for the children, and that they are <br />5 <br />Preliminary Budget Workshop <br />April 8, 2010 <br />