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10. PUBLIC ITEMS <br />10.A. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />10.A.1. DIVOSTA HOMES L.P.'S REQUEST FOR A CHANGE TO THE WATERWAY <br />VILLAGE DRI DEVELOPMENT ORDER AND DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT <br />AND FOR ADOPTION OF A RESOL UTIONAPPROVING A SETTLEMENT <br />AGREEMENT (QUASI -.JUDICIAL) <br />PROOF OF PUBLICATION OF ADVERTISEMENT FOR HEARING IS ON FILE IN THE <br />OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />Planning Director Stan Boling, through a PowerPoint presentation, provided background <br />and analysis on DiVosta Homes, L.P.'s request to amend the Waterway Village Development of <br />Regional Impact (DRI) Development Order (D.O.) through a Notice of Proposed Change <br />(NOPC); to amend the Developer's Agreement; and to approve a Settlement Agreement, which <br />would settle a lawsuit with the County regarding concurrency vesting. Director Boling <br />explained that the Settlement Agreement would allow DiVosta to unbundle concurrency and <br />prepay the impact fees for traffic only, whereas staff's position is that all concurrency facilities <br />should be addressed as a bundle (pursuant to concurrency regulations), with all impact fees paid <br />by December 31, 2015. Staff recommended that all of the above documents be approved, <br />conditioned upon a change to the Amended Developer's Agreement, to require vesting of all <br />concurrency components and payment of all impact fees by December 31, 2015. He <br />acknowledged that the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) recommends Board approval of <br />the draft documents as presented, and said that the Board has the option to approve the <br />documents by finding that the NOPC does not constitute a substantial deviation from the D.O. <br />Director Boling responded to questions from Commissioner O'Bryan regarding drainage <br />easements and the currency stipulations in the original settlement agreement with DiVosta. <br />County Administrator Joseph Baird disagreed with staff's position, and explained why he <br />felt the settlement with DiVosta would be advantageous at this time. <br />12 <br />May 11, 2010 <br />