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APPENDIX A <br />Comprehensive Plan <br />e ? 1. <br />Recreation and Open Space Element <br />' - - <br />and where the fee can be effectively implemented. <br />1, as part of its user fcc program, develop a method to subsidize <br />recreation user fees for low income residents so that there will be minimal effects of user fees on <br />participation at sites or programs. <br />.• <br />organizations will exceed by 20% the number of activities and events sponsored in 2001. The <br />OBJECTIVE 9: Arts and Cultural Programs <br />By 2012, the county will have a comprehensive cultural plan for the county (this plan will be <br />developed by the Cultural Council of Indian River County (CCIRC)). <br />Polic 11.1: The County may support cultural activities by providing financial support through <br />Policy 9.1: By 2012, the county shall participate with the Cultural Council of Indian River County in <br />developing a comprehensive cultural plan for the county and shall encourage public/private <br />partnerships, as appropriate. <br />Policy 11.2 The County shall support cultural organizations' (as defined by TNTEEM or other <br />cdcral, and private foundation grants. The County's <br />Community Development Department <br />Indian River County 53 <br />