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9. CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS AND GOVERNMENTAL <br />AGENCIES -NONE <br />10. PUBLIC ITEMS <br />/0.A. PUBLIC HEARINGS -NONE <br />10.B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />10.B.1. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROM WALTER GEIGER, TAXPAYERS' <br />ASSOCIATION OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, REGARDING FIRE/RESCUE <br />OVERTIME PAY <br />Walter Geiger, 3944 58th Circle, representing the IRC Taxpayers Association, addressed <br />the Board regarding the shortfall in the County's budget. He believed the deficit could be <br />diminished by $1 million by having less fire rescue personnel at the slower fire stations; by the <br />reduction of overtime by 50%; and through the elimination of step increases. <br />Commissioner Davis advised Mr. Geiger that the scheduled Budget Workshops would <br />begin on July 14, 2010. <br />Chairman O'Bryan acknowledged that staff would explore every possible means to try to <br />find some savings, and that discussion would ensue with the firefighters regarding the step <br />increases. <br />9 <br />June 15, 2010 <br />