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Charles Wilson, Vero Beach, suggested that the Commissioners designate a Board <br />Member to serve as the County's liaison with FPL. He also advocated having the Board send a <br />written request to FPL asking them for a public briefing. <br />Mr. Heady noted that an open forum between the City of Vero Beach and FPL was <br />tentatively scheduled for July 20, 2010, and voiced that it would be more appropriate for the <br />Commissioners to attend that meeting, than approach FPL at this point. <br />J. Rock Tonkel, Grand Harbor, stated that John Lee, Acting Director of Vero Beach <br />Electric Utility, had indicated that there would be no favorable change in the rate structure for <br />the utility customers. He urged the Board to take any possible steps to see that an agreement <br />between the City and FPL is finally executed. <br />Commissioner Wheeler remarked it was important to get the City's perspective on this <br />matter, and was dismayed that in spite of the County's invitations, no joint meetings with the <br />City had occurred. He suggested that the Chairman appoint one Commissioner -liaison to the <br />Vero Beach City Council, for the purpose of obtaining information on the status of the Electric <br />Utility. <br />Commissioner Davis suggested having the Chairman designate two Commissioner - <br />liaisons - one for the water/sewer/wastewater issue, and one for the electric utility issue. <br />Chairman O'Bryan stated that he would bring this matter back under Commissioners' <br />Items on the June 15, 2010 agenda. <br />10. C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />10. C.1. NOTICE OF SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 22, 2010: <br />CONSIDER ADOPTION OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AN ECONOMIC <br />DEVELOPMENT AD VALOREM TAX EXEMPTION (LEGISLATIVE) <br />12 <br />June 15, 2010 <br />