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a situation, and if necessary, request that an angler relocate his activities farther away from <br />nearby swimmers. <br />Chairman O'Bryan felt the sample Ordinance was too restrictive, and supported <br />Commissioner Wheeler's objective to give public safety officers the authority to require an <br />angler to either move or cease his or her activities for the time being. <br />Vice Chairman Solari suggested that education should be used as a public safety tool. In <br />addition, he proposed waiting to see if the City of Vero Beach takes any action on shark fishing, <br />since their beaches cover a lot of territory. <br />Attorney Polackwich read the current Code prohibiting fishing from any park or <br />recreational area unless such area is specifically designated for such purpose. <br />Bob Cooney, Vice President, Board of Directors of the Carlton Condominium, used <br />photos from a handout he had distributed to the Board, to augment his plea for the Board to ban <br />shark fishing. <br />Doug Distl, Vero Beach, recalled that he had provided to the Board a signed petition <br />supporting the banning of shark fishing in the County. He told Commissioners that the County <br />was endorsing the practice by not having a law. <br />Al Benkert, Vero Beach, contended that shark fishing was not good for businesses or the <br />public, and that it was the Board's job to protect both. <br />Vice Chairman Solari declared that autonomy was essential for a functioning democracy, <br />and explained why he felt that individual autonomy would be undermined by government <br />regulation of the shark fishing. <br />24 <br />June 15, 2010 <br />