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ELj <br />BOB GRAHAM <br />GOVERNOR <br />780 Southwest 24th Street <br />Fort Lauderdale, Florida <br />September 5, 1980 <br />33315 <br />Mr. Jack Jennings <br />County Administrator <br />Indian River County Courthouse <br />2145 Fourteenth Avenue <br />Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />Dear Mr. Jennings: <br />WILLIAM N. ROSE <br />SECRETARY <br />ti <br />As you may know, in 1979 the Florida Legislature addressed the problems of trans- <br />portation disadvantaged persons including the elderly, handicapped and indigent <br />who are unable to transport themselves or purchase transportation services. <br />Through Florida Statute 427, the Coordinating Council for the Transportation Dis- <br />advantaged was established for the purpose of developing policies and procedures <br />to coordinate federal and state funding for transportation disadvantaged individuals. <br />The Coordinating Council is comprised of the Secretaries of the Departments of <br />Transportation, Community Affairs, Health and Rehabilitative Services and Education <br />together with appointed handicapped members of the general public. The Council's <br />role is to assist local communities in developing transportation systems designed <br />to serve their transportation disadvantaged residents as well as function as an <br />information clearinghouse. <br />With the myriad of federal and state funding sources and the often duplicative <br />services provided by various agencies, the Legislature mandated the selection of <br />a single transportation provider for each county in the state. Inasmuch as the <br />coordination and the provision of transportation services are vital issues to all <br />levels of government as well as the general public, I am requesting that a repre- <br />sentative of the Department of Transportation be placed on your County Commission <br />agenda at your earliest possible convenience to discuss the provisions of the law. <br />I have enclosed a copy of the state statute pertaining to the Coordinating Council. <br />Members of my staff or myself are available to meet with you prior to the Commis- <br />sion Meeting if you desire to discuss the legislation. If you have any questions <br />concerning the law or the arrangements for the meeting, please feel free to contact <br />me at (305) 524-8621. <br />Sincerely, <br />am . <br />es E. Scully, P.E. <br />District Public Transportat n <br />Operations Engineer <br />MISS COCHRAN REPORTED THAT THE LAW REQUIRES THAT A FIVE <br />YEAR STATEWIDE DEVELOPMENT PLAN BE MAINTAINED. SHE EXPLAINED THAT THE <br />TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGED GROUP INCLUDES NOT ONLY THE ELDERLY AND <br />HANDICAPPED, BUT THE POOR ALSO. SHE THEN WENT ON TO DISCUSS THE PLAN <br />AND THE PLANNING BODY THAT MUST BE DESIGNATED AND STATED THAT HER <br />PURPOSE IN BEING HERE TODAY IS TO ASK THIS BOARD OR SOME OTHER BODY TO <br />ACCEPT THIS RESPONSIBILITY. SHE EXPLAINED THAT THIS BODY, OR PROVIDER, <br />SHALL BE THE SINGLE SOURCE OF TRANSPORTATION FOR ALL AND CAN FUNCTION <br />EITHER AS AN INFORMATION REFERRAL SERVICE, AS A TRANSPORATION BROKER, <br />OR AS A TRANSPORTATION OPERATOR. <br />OCT 2 21980 51 <br />Box. 45 PAGE 51 <br />