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Chairman O'Bryan opened the floor to public comments. There were no speakers and <br />the Chairman closed the public comment session. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously <br />approved the millage rate of 0.0681, and approved <br />Resolution 2010-080, establishing the tax millage rate to <br />be levied upon all real and personal taxable property in <br />Indian River County, Florida, for Fiscal Year 2010/2011 <br />for the General Obligation Land Acquisition Bond Issue. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Davis, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Flescher, the Board unanimously <br />approved the dollar amount of $1,058,713, and approved <br />Resolution 2010-081, amending the County Budget <br />Officer's estimates of receipts other than taxes and of <br />balances to be brought forward for Fiscal Year <br />2010/2011 and adopting a Final Budget for the General <br />Obligation Land Acquisition Bond Issue. <br />LAND ACQUISITION BONDS— 2004 REFERENDUM <br />Administrator Baird advised that this is the debt service for the $50 million voter <br />approved bond issue for environmentally sensitive land. The proposed millage is 0.3406, an <br />increase of about .0252, or 8% above the current level (rollback rate does not apply), and the <br />proposed budget is $4,751,963. <br />10 <br />September 15, 2010 <br />Final Budget Hearing <br />