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Applicant: Indian River County Board of Commissioners <br />Project: FL -509 - Ren - New Horizons 1 <br />Subpart E -Administration <br />582.400 Grant agreement. <br />582.405 Program changes. <br />582.410 Obligation and deobligation of funds. <br />Authority: 42 U.S.C. 3535(d) and 11403-11407b. <br />Source: 58 FR 13892, Mar. 15, 1993, unless otherwise noted. <br />Subpart A -General <br />Sec. 582.1 Purpose and Scope <br />32960 <br />FL0120C4H090802 <br />(a) General. The Shelter Plus Care program (S+C) is authorized by title IV, subtitle F, of the <br />Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (the McKinney Act) (42 U.S.C. 11403-11407b). <br />S+C is designed to link rental assistance to supportive services for hard -to -serve homeless <br />persons with disabilities (primarily those who are seriously mentally ill; have chronic problems <br />with alcohol, drugs, or both; or have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and related <br />diseases) and their families. The program provides grants to be used for rental assistance for <br />permanent housing for homeless persons with disabilities. Rental assistance grants must be <br />matched in the aggregate by supportive services that are equal in value to the amount of rental <br />assistance and appropriate to the needs of the population to be served. Recipients are chosen <br />on a competitive basis nationwide. <br />(b) Components. Rental assistance is provided through four components described in Sec. <br />582.100. Applicants may apply for assistance under anyone of the four components, or a <br />combination. <br />Sec. 582.5 Definitions. <br />The terms Fair Market Rent (FMR), HUD, Public Housing Agency (PHA), Indian Housing <br />Authority (IHA), and Secretary are defined in 24 CFR part 5. <br />As used in this part: <br />Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and related diseases has the meaning given in <br />section 853 of the AIDS Housing Opportunity Act (42 U.S.C. 12902). <br />Applicant has the meaning given in section 462 of the McKinney Act (42 U.S.C. 11403g). <br />Eligible person means a homeless person with disabilities (primarily persons who are <br />seriously mentally ill; have chronic problems with alcohol, drugs, or both; or have AIDS and <br />related diseases) and, if also homeless, the family of such a person. To be eligible for <br />assistance, persons must be very low income, except that low-income individuals may be <br />assisted under the SRO component in accordance with 24 CFR 813.105(b). <br />Consolidated Grant Agreement I Page 6 1 03/08/2010 <br />