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SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />TASK 1.0 - PREPARATION OF WORK PLANS MEETINGS AND INITIAL RESPONSE <br />CDM will prepare work plans for evaluation monitoring pursuant to Chapter 62-701.510 (7), <br />F.A.C. including, as requested by FDEP, plans to further evaluate the nature of contamination in <br />the C-5 Canal. The monitoring plan will propose locations for surface water samples and wells <br />that will be installed as requested by FDEP. The monitoring plan will also include lists of <br />parameters for groundwater and surface water analyses. After approval from SWDD, the plan <br />will be sent to FDEP for approval. Based on discussions with FDEP, the work described in Task <br />2 -will be proposed in the work plans Included in Task 1 are two meetings with SWDD, one <br />meeting with FDEP in Orlando, and general assistance and support in initial response. <br />Revisions to the monitoring plan requested by FDEP and responding to Requests for Additional <br />Information (RAI) are not included in this Scope of Services. CDM reserves the right to request <br />additional compensation should FDEP request revisions to the monitoring plan or issue an RAI. <br />TASK 2.0 - MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION AND SAMPLING OVERSIGHT <br />In accordance with FDEP-approved plans (see Task 1), CDM will install up to six shallow <br />monitoring wells to the north of Segment 1. Three compliance wells will be installed south of <br />the C-5 Canal 100 feet north of the edge of waste. Three wells will also be installed north of the <br />C- 5 Canal to assess the extent of contamination north of the canal. Shallow monitoring wells <br />will be up to 20 feet deep and screened from approximately 10 feet below land surface (bls) to <br />20 feet bls using 0.01 -inch machine -slotted screens with size 20/30 sand packs. Boreholes will be <br />advanced using hollow stem augers. Actual depths will be selected in the field based on <br />descriptions of drill cuttings and water level measurements made during drilling. Wells will be <br />developed by pumping and surging until field parameters stabilize and withdrawn water is <br />free of sand and silt. Drill cuttings and development fluids will be containerized and <br />transported to a storage area designated by SWDD and disposed of by SWDD. Each well will <br />be completed with a concrete pad and aluminum protective casing. Locations and measuring <br />point elevations will be surveyed by a registered surveyor. <br />CDM will collect groundwater samples from up to nine shallow monitoring wells (MW -1S, <br />MW -2S, MW -3S, and the six new wells) and up to five surface water samples. Groundwater <br />samples will be analyzed for iron, chlorides, total dissolved solids (TDS), sodium, ammonia, <br />nickel, arsenic, hardness. These analytes have been detected in wells MW -1S, MW -2S, and MW - <br />3S in recent years. Surface water samples will be analyzed for the same analytes and for <br />algae/bacteria speciation. Samples will be collected in accordance with FDEP protocols and <br />analyzed by certified laboratories. <br />TASK 3.0 - DATA EVALUATION AND REPORTING <br />CDM will review and evaluate the results of historical monitoring and the results of the <br />investigations described above. A report will be prepared and will include the following: <br />CM A-2 1127e7.aoc. <br />