<br />DEC 17 1980 BOOK 4125 PAGE 434
<br />C,,mb q, 1930
<br />Mr. Neil A. Ne Won
<br />County Administr;;tor
<br />Tlldi..In River Cou.!It7 I',u rh:,:i:;•.
<br />2415 14th Avonu,.
<br />Vero Beach, Plor ida 3296)0
<br />•\11:\til,\.i.I,•!<.i� •• ,
<br />i RR: Indian ]aver Count .♦, WaL,:r System
<br />Bond Anticilvition >t:'
<br />Dear Nei 1 :
<br />Per my conversat: inn y— —rjAy with T ony `I' urnas, I Kam ad-
<br />d russins) tIt K 1 r to In ni i v 1 i'iggi;rI In !lion! 1 i a t I'rl
<br />helow.
<br />Tommy advises me that you and the Chairman of the County
<br />Board of Commissioners hav- mot
<br />with rnprer,entatives of
<br />Sverdrup & V ircul and LP . aI Iw•rr,
<br />%un. ,tinii ai:;tratic)n (I'ii;liA)
<br />Lo r1t Wrminn Lha.' hr'!;t .,nd inl�:;r
<br />xpproach t,) t h,,
<br />a hove referencod projerl and it
<br />r�
<br />It is my un.l;.r.:;tancliny Qat you
<br />have jointly decided to
<br />nr.ocoed on a one contract haK i q,
<br />C,,mb q, 1930
<br />Mr. Neil A. Ne Won
<br />County Administr;;tor
<br />Tlldi..In River Cou.!It7 I',u rh:,:i:;•.
<br />2415 14th Avonu,.
<br />Vero Beach, Plor ida 3296)0
<br />•\11:\til,\.i.I,•!<.i� •• ,
<br />i RR: Indian ]aver Count .♦, WaL,:r System
<br />Bond Anticilvition >t:'
<br />Dear Nei 1 :
<br />Per my conversat: inn y— —rjAy with T ony `I' urnas, I Kam ad-
<br />d russins) tIt K 1 r to In ni i v 1 i'iggi;rI In !lion! 1 i a t I'rl
<br />helow.
<br />Tommy advises me that you and the Chairman of the County
<br />Board of Commissioners hav- mot
<br />with rnprer,entatives of
<br />Sverdrup & V ircul and LP . aI Iw•rr,
<br />%un. ,tinii ai:;tratic)n (I'ii;liA)
<br />Lo r1t Wrminn Lha.' hr'!;t .,nd inl�:;r
<br />xpproach t,) t h,,
<br />a hove referencod projerl and it
<br />: (i.nancirlq requirement:;.
<br />It is my un.l;.r.:;tancliny Qat you
<br />have jointly decided to
<br />nr.ocoed on a one contract haK i q,
<br />rAhvr than with the Met,
<br />contract approach prvviously atmtemplatni
<br />vIP6 that if all
<br />ynog acct,rdinq to plan, the i'n!NA
<br />will S. clrgmred to i` sm,
<br />its take out coicmAtmen! Want
<br />:n,nctim' in ''larch or .'1nril
<br />"f 1981.
<br />In light A t'!ll:, revi_,i Ki, mr, . arUonc vt_ this letter i:::
<br />1) to MCA fV the C-11 i ` bri ' n !it' i 1 n•',l in my Novem!)or
<br />t.(I :It t "mpf r;) (.I'll, i : �1 ,,1 .r�' ',III :i: :i�;t: you with
<br />thy' 1 i m t' ] n;!no i n,l Il .I:; t i III- l V :i manner a,,
<br />;WAS i t) t rr.
<br />1 ::,rket condi tionq arc .,,1.'!1 thal int'''i",A ratj9 i are rapidly
<br />,pproachinl_1, and in oalo cm '>:Cc ndiIri. til'_' historic MY,
<br />r,f 1 I:,t Wt t 1.'+ i m . ," - Idq .,t. i 1 1 n t i ,t
<br />heth,eo" 'j 1�.1,:' .,!l F as— .. "Il:r' hold ld A -it- n'i').it iron ni)tes an,f
<br />,!lot t to—rill i-',, i�l r'. y'. .'1 .• )!)I I j I� 1 1', ..
<br />