Commercial Amusement - Establishments engaged primarily in
<br />providing amusement or entertainment for a fee or admission charge.
<br />Commercial Amusement, Enclosed - A commercial amusement
<br />establishment, the operations of which are conducted entirely
<br />within the confines of an enclosed building or structure, excluding
<br />necessary off-street parking facilities. This definition includes,
<br />but is not limited to, the following: bowling alleys, billiard and
<br />pool establishments, indoor skating rinks, video arcades, and
<br />indoor theaters.
<br />Commercial Amusement, Temporary - A commercial amusement which is
<br />established as a temporary use. This definition includes, but is
<br />not limited to, the following: circuses, carnivals, festivals,
<br />fairs and special exhibitions.
<br />Commercial Amusement, Unenclosed - A commercial amusement which is
<br />conducted in an outdoor area or in an unenclosed structure. This
<br />definition includes, but is not limited to, the following: drive-
<br />in theaters, miniature golf courses, golf driving ranges, animal
<br />or vehicular race tracks, amusement parks and stadiums.
<br />Commercial Fishery - A commercial establishment for the receiving,
<br />processing, packaging, storage, and wholesale or retail
<br />distribution and sale of products of the sea. Such an
<br />establishment may include facilities for the docking, loading,
<br />unloading, fueling, icing and provision of vessels and for the
<br />drying, maintenance and storage of equipment.
<br />Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Complex - A land area of three
<br />(3) or more acres under unity of title which is designed to
<br />accommodate: 1) an office park; 2) a retail shopping center; 3) a
<br />discount or wholesale mart; 4) an industrial center; 5) a hospital
<br />or 6) a park.
<br />Commercial Use - A11 nonresidential, non -institutional and,
<br />industrial establishments, but not limited to and without regard
<br />to whether they are profit or nonprofit organizations or retail
<br />and/or wholesale establishments; including motels, hotels, stores,
<br />office buildings, restaurants, service stations, garages,
<br />laundries, cleaning establishments, for -hire services, and all
<br />other business required to obtain occupational licenses.
<br />Commercial Vehicle - Any motor vehicle which: (1) is designed or
<br />used principally for business, governmental, or non-profit
<br />organizational purposes or for carrying passengers for hire and (2)
<br />has a platform, cabinet, box, rack, compartment, or other facility
<br />for transportation of materials, equipment, and items other than
<br />the personal effects of private passengers.
<br />Commercial Wastes - Wastes generated by commercial and/or
<br />institutional uses. Physical characteristics of these wastes are
<br />similar to those of residential wastes, in that they consist
<br />largely of combustible materials in the form of paper and food
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