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ORDINANCE NO. 2013 - <br />Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industries" offered by <br />the Florida Department of Environmental Protection through the University of Florida Extension <br />"Florida -Friendly Landscapes" program, or an approved equivalent. <br />(b) Private non-commercial applicators are encouraged to follow the recommendations of the <br />University of Florida Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences Florida Yards and <br />Neighborhoods program when applying fertilizers. <br />Section 316.11. General education program. <br />The Public Works Department shall have an employee who shall address issues pertainingto o this <br />Chapter. This employee shall implement a program to inform the general public of the <br />requirements of this chapter, which program shall include among other things informative <br />postings on the County website printing and distributing informative brochures and other print <br />materials and speaking engagements at community associations, civic organizations, etc. The <br />program shall also include to the extent practicable use of any materials from the Be Floridian <br />program and coordination and collaboration with University of Florida Institute of Food and <br />Agriculture Sciences educational activities. Any claimed or alleged deficiency in the County's <br />general education program shall not constitute a defense to any action brought to enforce the <br />provisions of this chapter. <br />Section 316.12. Licensing of commercial fertilizer applicators. <br />(a) No later than December 31 2013 all Commercial Fertilizer Applicators within Indian River <br />County, shall abide by and successfullycomplete training and continuing education requirements <br />in the "Floridan iendly Best Management Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the <br />Green Industries " offered by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection through the <br />University of Florida Institute of Food and Agriculture Sciences "Florida -friendly Landscapes" <br />program or an approved equivalent program prior to obtaining an Indian River County Local <br />Business Tax Certificate for any category of occupation which maygpply any fertilizer to turf <br />and/or landscape plants Commercial Fertilizer Applicators shall provide proof of completion of <br />the program to the Indian River County Tax Collector's Office within 180 days of the effective <br />date of this ordinance. <br />(b) After December 31 2013 all Commercial Fertilizer Applicators within Indian River County <br />shall have and cam in their possession at all times when applying fertilizer, evidence of <br />certification by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services as a Commercial <br />Fertilizer Applicator per Rule 5E-14.117(18) Florida Administrative Code. <br />(c) All businesses applying_ fertilizer to turf and/or landscape plants (including but not limited to <br />residential lawns golf courses commercial properties and multi -family and condominium <br />properties) must ensure that at least one employee has a "Florida -friendly Best Management <br />Practices for Protection of Water Resources by the Green Industries" training certificate prior to <br />the business owner obtaining a Local Business Tax Certificate. Owners for any category of <br />R4trmrmylindaIGFNFRALUResolutia &Ordnanc OrdinamesTenilizerModelFenilizerOrdimxe-2013(Fiml)(August10).dun Page 7 of 9 <br />