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1975-3 (2)
1975-3 (2)
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/19/2019 1:12:24 PM
Creation date
10/5/2015 9:28:58 AM
Ordinance Number
Adopted Date
Ordinance Type
Subdivision application requirements
Supplemental fields
Official Document Type
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ff <br />2. A literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance <br />would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other <br />Properties with similar conditions: <br />3. -That the special conditions and circumstances do -not result <br />Ifrom the actions of the'aunlicant. <br />4. That the grantine of the variance requested will not confer on <br />the applicant any special nrivilege that is. denied by this <br />Ordinance to otber lands, structures or required subdivision <br />6•improverents under similar, conditions. No_pre-existing condi- <br />tions on neighborinn lands which are contrary to the renulations <br />established in this ordinance shall be considered '+rounds for <br />the issuance of a variance. <br />S. That Board shall make findings. that-tire.requirements of this <br />section have been met. <br />6. The Board shall further make a 'finding that the 'reasons set <br />forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, <br />and that the variance is the minimum variance that would make. <br />Possible the•reasonable use of the. land, building or other <br />improvements. <br />7. The Board shall make a further findirra.that the granting of the <br />variance would be in•harmony with the general Purpose and intent <br />of 'this ordinance and will not be injurious to the surroundins <br />territory, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. <br />In granting any variance the Board may prescribe appropriate - <br />conditions and safeguard in conformity with this ordinance. <br />Violation of such conditions and safeguards when made a part of <br />the terms under -which the variance is granted shall be deemed <br />a violation of this ordinance and -Chapter 177, Florida Statutes. <br />SECTION 10.. ENF0P.CEMENT AND PENALTIES <br />The Board or any aggrieved person may have recourse to such remedies <br />in law and equity as may be necessary to insure compliance with the <br />provisions of this ordinance including injunctive relief to enjoin <br />and restrain any person violatinn the provisions of this ordinance <br />and any rules and regulations adopted under this ordinance and the <br />court shall, upon proof of the viol-ation of the ordinance have the <br />duty to forthwith issue such temporary and permanent injunctions as <br />are prevent the violation of the .ordinance. <br />Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance or who shall <br />fail to abide by and obey all regulations and orders adonted herein <br />shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day that the violation shall <br />continue shall constitute a separate violation. <br />SECTION 11. LEGAL STATUS <br />1. Saving Clause <br />If any section, part of a section, naraoraph, sentence, clause, <br />phrase or word of this ordinance is for any reason held or <br />declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such <br />holding or invalidity shall not affect the remainina portions <br />of this ordinance without such unconstitutional, invalid, or <br />inoperative oart therein, and the remainder of this ordinance <br />after the exclusion of such part or parts, shall be deemed to <br />be held valid as if such nart or parts had not been included <br />therein. or if this ordinance or anv of the provisions thereof, <br />shall be held inapplicable to any person, groups of oersons, <br />property, kind of property, circumstances, or set of circum- <br />stances. such holding shall not affect the apolicability hereof <br />to any other person. property or ci.acumstances. <br />
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