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Masci Corporation
Potable Water Main 77th. Street
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Section 00200 <br />LOCAL PREFERENCE IN PURCHASING OR CONTRACTING <br />A. DEFINITIONS <br />(1) "Local business" shall mean a business that meets all of the following criteria: <br />(a) Has had a staffed and fixed office or distribution point ,with a verifiable <br />street _address, located within Brevard; Indian River; Martin; Okeechobee; Osceola; or Lucie <br />County for at least one (1) full calendar year immediately prior to the issuance of the request for <br />competitive bids or request for proposals by the County. Post office boxes shall not be used or <br />considered for the purpose of establishing a physical address; and <br />(b) Has had, for at least 12 months prior to the date of the advertisement for the <br />particular good or service being solicited, a current "Local Business Tax Receipt" issued by <br />Brevard ; Indian River; Martin; Okeechobee; Osceola; or Lucie County, if applicable; and <br />applicable and (c) Holds any license or competency card required by Indian River County; if <br />(d) if the contract is awarded, will be the person or entity in direct privity of <br />contract with Indian River County and not as subcontractor, or any lower -tier subcontractor, <br />materialman, or supplier. <br />herein. (2) "Non -local business" means a bidder that is not a local business, as defined <br />B. CERTIFICATION <br />Any person or entity claiming to be a local business, as defined herein , and desiring to receive <br />local preference, shall complete and submit, together with all required attachments, a "Local <br />Business Certification Form " in the form provided by the County and contained within the bid <br />package accompanying a public notice/advertisement. Any bidder who fails to complete, and <br />submit the "Local Business Certification Form" together with all required attachments with their <br />bid shall not be granted local preference consideration for the purposes of that specific contract <br />award. The Purchasing Division shall determine if a person or entity meets the definition of a <br />"local business." <br />C. LOCAL PREFERENCE IN PURCHASES BY MEANS OF COMPETITIVE BID <br />In connection with any solicitation to which this Ordinance applies, Indian River County will give <br />preference to local businesses in the following manner: <br />1.When a qualified and responsive, non -local business submits the lowest price bid (herein, <br />"Apparent Low Bidder"), and the bid submitted by one or more qualified and responsive local <br />businesses is equal to or within five percent (5%) of the price submitted by the Apparent Low <br />Bidder; then the local business -with the-a-i5parent next=lowest qualified and fesponsive-bid offer - <br />(herein , the "Lowest Local Bidder") shall have the opportunity to submit an offer to match the <br />price(s) offered by the Apparent Low Bidder as follows: <br />(a) the Purchasing Division shall invite, in writing, bye -mail, fax, or certified mail, the Lowest <br />Local Bidder to submit a written matching offer to the Purchasing Division (herein "Invitation"); <br />(b) the Lowest Local Bidder may, but shall not be obligated to, submit a written matching offer <br />to the Purchasing Division within five (5) business days after receipt of the Invitation; <br />(c) If the Lowest Local Bidder submits a written offer that matches the bid from the Apparent <br />Low Bidder, such written offer shall be accepted and the Lowest Local Bidder shall be awarded <br />the contract; <br />00200-1 <br />
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