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MAY 15 1981 _ _ poor 48 P E 35 <br />III% INTERIM ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS <br />A. Existing -Conditions <br />Site inspections have -been conducted to determine the condi- <br />tion of -the -existing Treasure Coast Utility sewage treatment system. <br />The existing conditions are described in detail in the site inspection <br />memorandum to Mr. Neil A. Nelson, County Administrator, from <br />Mr. John A. Robbins and Mr. George Liner (see Attachment A dated <br />March 13, 1981).. <br />B. Alternatl-ve 1 - Utilization of Existing Treatment Facilities <br />The existing system utilizes primary treatment of raw sewage. <br />The major component of the process is an Imhoff tank. Alternative 1 <br />proposes to incorporate t -he structure -of the Imhoff tank into a secondary <br />treatment process. To accomplish this, the existing Imhoff tank would be <br />used as an aeration tank in an extended aeration process. Refurbishment - <br />of the existing tank and the placement of additional treatment units would <br />be construct an extended aeration process. The existing- - <br />Imhoff tank will require compl-ete refurbishment including the installation <br />of an air diffuser system.. <br />In conjunction with the utilization of the existing Imhoff tank, <br />a circular clarifier (settling tank), sludge holding tank and a chlorine <br />contact tank with chlorination system must be installed. A sludge return <br />line will be required to return activated sludge from the clarifier to the <br />aeration tank and to waste sludge to the sludge holding tank. Refer to <br />Attachment II for a process schematic. <br />In order to effectively evaluate this alternative, an estimated <br />cost breakdown will be presented as follows (pumping station refurbishment <br />will be addressed later in <br />Preliminary engineering design computations indicate that a <br />35,000 gallon per day (gpd) extended aeration sewage treatment plant will <br />3 <br />