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Indian River County, Florida <br />Notes To Financial Statements <br />Year Ended September 30, 2010 <br />NOTE 17 — OTHER POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS PLAN - Continued <br />A. Plan Description - Continued <br />The retiree has the option to continue with the County group health plan or elect the Medicare <br />Advantage Plan. The subsidy will apply to either plan. At October 1, 2009, the date of the latest <br />actuarial valuation, plan participation consisted of: <br />Active participants 1,452 <br />Retired participants 286 <br />Total participants 1.738 <br />There are two classes of participants at October 1, 2009: <br />Regular and senior management 1,153 <br />Special risk 585 <br />Total participants 1.738 <br />Financial statements for the IRCOT are included in this report and can be found on pages 40-41. A <br />separate, stand-alone financial report is not issued by the County. The IRCOT investments can be <br />found in Note 4D. <br />B. Funding Policy <br />The Board of County Commissioners, in concert with the OPEB Board of Trustees, has the authority to <br />establish and amend the funding policy of the OPEB Plan. The IRCOT is advance funded by the <br />County. For the year ended September 30, 2010, the County contributed $3.03 million to the qualifying <br />IRCOT. Plan members receiving benefits contributed $0.95 million or approximately 38 percent of <br />total premiums. It is the County's policy to base future IRCOT contributions on the annual required <br />contribution (ARC) in subsequent annual actuarial reports. Custodial and individual fund administrative <br />fees are paid from the portfolio dividend and interest income. <br />C. Annual OPEB Cost and Net OPEB Obligation <br />The employer's contribution (i.e. annual cost or expense) to the County's IRCOT is based on the ARC <br />calculation. The ARC is an amount actuarially determined in accordance with the parameters of GASB <br />Statement No. 45. The ARC represents a level of funding that, if paid on an ongoing basis, is projected <br />to cover the normal cost each year and amortize any unfunded actuarial liability over a period not to <br />exceed 20 years. The following table shows the components of the County's annual IRCOT cost for the <br />year, the amount actually contributed, and the changes in the net obligation. <br />Annual Required Contribution <br />Interest on Net OPEB Obligation <br />Adjustment to Annual Required Contribution <br />Annual OPEB Cost (expense) <br />Contributions <br />Change in Net OPEB obligation <br />Net OPEB obligation — beginning of year <br />Net OPEB obligation — end of year <br />Percentage of Annual OPEB Cost Contributed <br />FY 2009/2010 FY 2008/2009 FY 2007/2008 <br />$ 2,814,435 <br />(7,272) <br />7,779 <br />2,814,942 <br />(3,030,792) <br />(215,850) <br />(103,880) <br />$ (319,730) <br />91 <br />107.67% <br />$ 2,810,092 <br />(6,587) <br />6,082 <br />2,809,587 <br />(2,819,373) <br />(9,786) <br />(94,094) <br />$ (103,880) <br />100.35% <br />$ 2,626,254 <br />2,626,254 <br />(2,720,348) <br />(94,094) <br />$ (94,094) <br />103.58% <br />