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In March 1989, Indian River County voters passed the optional one -cent sales tax which was effective <br />for a fifteen year period. In November 2002, a voter referendum approved extending the optional one - <br />cent sales tax another 15 years until December 31, 2019. Many capital projects have been completed <br />with this funding that otherwise would have been funded by ad valorem dollars. In 2010, approximately <br />$12.6 million was received and will be used towards funding numerous capital projects including the <br />following construction projects: <br />• South County Park — Phase III Improvements - The expansion of this park is necessary to <br />provide recreation facilities and programs to the growing population in the southern part of the <br />County. A multi-purpose facility will be constructed at a cost of $1.8 million. Ad valorem tax <br />proceeds and user fees will fund increased operating costs. The impact to ad valorem taxpayers <br />could be reduced through the use of possible public-private partnerships to operate this facility. <br />• Parks Maintenance Complex — This facility was needed to replace the existing facility that was <br />severely damaged by the hurricanes in 2004. The construction of the $1.5 million complex was <br />completed in 2010 and includes three buildings consisting of a 3,500 square foot office building, <br />a 1,250 square foot equipment repair/storage building including an attached covered patio and a <br />2,500 square foot garage building. <br />• Egret Marsh Stormwater Park — The County's first Algal Turf Scrubber System (ATS) was <br />completed in 2010 at a cost of approximately $6.0 million. This system removes dissolved <br />nutrients from ten million gallons of Indian River Farms Water Control District's canal water <br />each day and produces a useable byproduct of harvested algae. <br />• 53rd Street Widening — Due to growth in the northern portion of the County, 53rd Street is <br />reaching capacity. This project will widen the road from two to four lanes from 58th Avenue to <br />Indian River Boulevard at a cost of approximately $5.1 million. <br />• 800 Mhz Radio Expansion — Construction of a $2.2 million communications tower is planned <br />for fiscal year 2010-2011. This tower will help eliminate deficiencies in "in -building coverage" <br />for public safety agencies that have resulted since the significant growth in the south county area. <br />Relevant Financial Policies <br />In accordance with Section 218.415, Florida Statutes, the County adopted an investment policy, which <br />guides the investment of County surplus funds. This policy establishes investment objectives, maturity <br />and liquidity requirements, portfolio composition, risk and diversification requirements, and authorized <br />investments. The primary objectives of investment activities are to preserve capital and maintain <br />sufficient liquidity to meet anticipated cash flow needs. The secondary objective is to obtain <br />competitive returns on the investment of County surplus funds. During FY 2010, County investments <br />had yields ranging from 0.05% to 4.75%. The overall annual yield of the portfolio as of September 30, <br />2010 was 1.27%. <br />On September 23, 2008, the County established the OPEB (Other Post -Employment Benefits) Trust. An <br />OPEB investment policy was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on February 3, 2009 and <br />revised on May 12, 2009. The objective was to establish an advisory committee and to provide short- <br />term and long-term investment guidelines. This policy also outlines the same criteria as noted in the <br />County's investment policy, as well as including performance measures. The net cash contribution to <br />the OPEB Trust for the fiscal year was $1.7 million. In addition, interest, dividend and mark -to -market <br />income was $415,361. Yields ranged from -15.38% to 17.18% throughout the year. <br />iii <br />