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Indian River County, Florida <br />Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, <br />Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds <br />to the Statement of Activities <br />For the Year Ended September 30, 2010 <br />Net change in fund balances - total governmental funds S 1,514,784 <br />Amounts reported for governmental activities in the statement of activities are different because: <br />Governmental funds report capital outlay as expenditures. However, in the statement of <br />activities, the cost of those assets is allocated over their estimated useful lives as <br />depreciation expense. <br />Expenditures for capital assets 29,084,405 <br />Less current year loss on assets (574,088) <br />Less current year depreciation (17,989,825) 10,520,492 <br />Governmental funds do not report capital assets contributed from outside the <br />entity. However, those assets are recognized in the statement of net assets <br />and the capital contribution is recognized in the statement of activities. <br />Assets transferred from governmental funds to proprietary funds must be recognized as <br />a transfer out on the statement of activities. <br />Payments of bond principal and pollution remediation costs are expenditures in the <br />governmental funds, but the payment reduces long-term liabilities in the statement of <br />net assets. <br />Bond principal payment <br />Bond premium payment <br />Pollution remediation costs <br />Changes in accrued compensated absences do not require the use of current financial <br />resources and, therefore, are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds. <br />2,801,077 <br />(28,068) <br />5,315,000 <br />93,224 <br />46,100 5,454,324 <br />Governmental funds report interest and OPEB expenditures based on when they are paid. <br />The statement of activities reports these expenses as they are incurred. This is the <br />net number of the prior year and current year accrual. <br />Accrued bond interest expense 43,716 <br />Accrued OPEB expense 215,850 <br />Some revenues reported in the governmental funds have been recognized as revenues in <br />the prior fiscal year in the statement of activities. <br />Internal service funds are used by management to charge the costs of insurance, fleet and <br />geographic information systems services to individual funds. The net costs of the <br />internal service funds are reported in governmental activities. <br />Governmental funds report non-exchange transactions when the applicable eligibility <br />requirements have been met and resources are available. However, in the statement <br />of activities, non-exchange transactions are recognized when the eligibility requirements <br />are met. This is the net number of the prior year and current year accrual. <br />Some interest revenues reported in the statement of activities do not provide current <br />financial resources, therefore, are not reported as revenues in governmental funds. <br />This is the net number of the prior year and current year accrual. <br />Change in net assets of governmental activities <br />The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. <br />26 <br />103,824 <br />259,566 <br />(78,842) <br />3,466,950 <br />(532,156) <br />(228,635) <br />S 23,253,316 <br />