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Indian River County, Florida <br />Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and <br />Changes in Fund Balances - Budget and Actual <br />Transportation Fund <br />For the Year Ended September 30, 2010 <br />REVENUES <br />Permits, fees and special assessments <br />Intergovernmental <br />Charges for services <br />Interest <br />Miscellaneous <br />Total revenues <br />EXPENDITURES <br />Current: <br />General government <br />Physical environment <br />Transportation <br />Total expenditures <br />Excess of revenues over (under) expenditures <br />OTHER FINANCING SOURCES <br />Transfers in <br />Total other financing sources <br />Net change in fund balances <br />Fund balances at beginning of year <br />Fund balances at end of year <br />Budgeted Amounts <br />Original Final <br />Variance with <br />Final Budget <br />Actual Positive <br />Amounts (Negative) <br />$ 76,000 $ <br />76,000 $ <br />146,802 $ <br />70,802 <br />2,271,770 <br />2,271,770 <br />2,660,838 <br />389,068 <br />95,950 <br />95,950 <br />85,026 <br />(10,924) <br />100,700 <br />100,700 <br />113,159 <br />12,459 <br />889,121 <br />947,772 <br />635,038 <br />(312,734) <br />3,433,541 <br />3,492,192 <br />3,640,863 <br />148,671 <br />366,557 <br />366,656 <br />330,765 <br />35,891 <br />609,715 <br />671,330 <br />443,144 <br />228,186 <br />12,631,791 <br />14,233,263 <br />11,521,032 <br />2,712,231 <br />13,608,063 <br />15,2 71,249 <br />12, 294, 941 <br />2,976,308 <br />(10,174,522) <br />(11,779,057) <br />(8,654,078) <br />3,124,979 <br />8,951,106 <br />8,951,106 <br />8,951,106 <br />- <br />8,951,106 <br />8,951,106 <br />8,951,106 <br />- <br />(1,223,416) <br />(2,827,951) <br />297,028 $ <br />3,124,979 <br />1,223,416 <br />2,827,951 <br />8,774,129 <br />$ - $ <br />- $ <br />9,071,157 <br />The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. <br />30 <br />