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Indian River County, Florida <br />Notes To Financial Statements <br />Year Ended September 30, 2010 <br />Note <br />Page <br />Note <br />Page <br />1. Summary <br />of Significant Accounting <br />10. Interfund Transfers .............................. <br />71 <br />Policies..................................................44 <br />11. Due from Other Governments .............. <br />72 <br />Reporting Entity.................................44 <br />12. Accounts Payable ................................. <br />73 <br />Measurement Focus and <br />13. Long-term Liabilities ............................ <br />74 <br />Basis of Accounting ..................... <br />45 <br />Changes in Long-term Liabilities......... <br />74 <br />Basis of Presentation ..........................49 <br />Governmental Activities....................... <br />75 <br />Assets, Liabilities and Net Assets <br />Annual Debt Service Payments — <br />or Equity.......................................50 <br />Governmental Activities.............. <br />75 <br />Cash and Cash Equivalents.............50 <br />Limited General Obligation Bonds <br />76 <br />Investments.....................................51 <br />General Obligation Bonds .............. <br />76 <br />Allowance for Doubtful Accounts ..51 <br />Spring Training Facility Revenue <br />Receivables and Payables ...............51 <br />Bonds........................................... <br />77 <br />Inventories.......................................51 <br />Business -type Activities <br />80 <br />Prepaid Items..................................51 <br />Annual Debt Service Payments — <br />Other Assets Held For Resale .........52 <br />Business -type Activities .............. <br />80 <br />Restricted Assets .............................52 <br />Recreational Revenue Refunding <br />Capital Assets..................................52 <br />Bonds, Series 2003 ...................... <br />80 <br />Capitalization of Interest.................53 <br />Water and Sewer Revenue <br />Unearned Revenues ........................53 <br />Bonds, Series 1993A ................... <br />81 <br />Accrued Compensated Absences .... <br />53 <br />Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding <br />Obligation for Bond Arbitrage <br />Bonds, Series 2005 ...................... <br />83 <br />Rebate..........................................54 <br />Water and Sewer Revenue Refunding <br />Landfill Closure Costs ....................54 <br />Bonds, Series 2009...................... <br />84 <br />Unamortized Bond Costs ................54 <br />Summary of Defeased Debt <br />Unamortized Bond Discounts <br />Outstanding ....................................... <br />85 <br />and Premiums...............................54 <br />Compensated Absences <br />85 <br />Capital Contributions ......................54 <br />Conduit Debt Obligations..................... <br />85 <br />New Accounting Pronouncements.. <br />54 <br />14. Provision for Closure Costs .................. <br />86 <br />2. <br />Reconciliation of Government -wide <br />15. Pollution Remediation .......................... <br />87 <br />and Fund Financial Statements ..........55 <br />16. Pension Plans - <br />3. <br />Stewardship, Compliance and <br />Florida Retirement System ................ <br />88 <br />Accountability....................................59 <br />17. Other Postemployment Benefits Plan... <br />90 <br />Budget and Budgetary Accounting.59 <br />18. Operating Leases .................................. <br />93 <br />4. <br />Cash and Cash Equivalents ................... <br />60 <br />19. Fund Balance ........................................ <br />94 <br />Deposits...........................................60 <br />20. Fund Balance Deficit............................ <br />95 <br />Accrued Interest..............................60 <br />21. Net Assets ............................................. <br />96 <br />Investments.....................................60 <br />22. Risk Management................................. <br />97 <br />OPEB Trust Investments.................63 <br />23. Commitments and Contingencies......... <br />98 <br />5. <br />Property Tax Revenues .........................64 <br />Litigation ........................................... <br />98 <br />6. <br />Capital Assets........................................65 <br />Contracts and Other <br />Special Item....................................68 <br />Commitments... ...... <br />98 <br />7. <br />Restricted Cash and Cash Equivalents <br />Grants ................................................ <br />99 <br />and Investments.................................68 <br />24. Subsequent Events................................ <br />99 <br />8. <br />Payable from Restricted Assets ............69 <br />9. <br />Interfund Balances................................70 <br />43 <br />