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Indian River County, Florida <br />Notes To Financial Statements <br />Year Ended September 30, 2010 <br />NOTE 1— SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES — Continued <br />B. Measurement Focus and Basis of Accounting - Continued <br />1. Government -wide Financial Statements <br />Government -wide financial statements display information about the reporting government as a whole, <br />except for its fiduciary activities. These statements include separate columns for the governmental and <br />business -type activities of the primary government (including its blended component units), as well as <br />its discretely presented component unit. Governmental activities, which normally are supported by <br />taxes and intergovernmental revenues, are reported separately from business -type activities, which rely, <br />to a significant extent, on fees and charges for support. Likewise, the primary government is reported <br />separately from the legally separate component unit for which the primary government is financially <br />accountable. <br />Government -wide financial statements are reported using the economic resources measurement focus <br />and the accrual basis of accounting, as are the proprietary fund financial statements. Under the accrual <br />basis of accounting, revenues, expenses, gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from exchange <br />and exchange -like transactions are recognized when the exchange takes place. Revenues, expenses, <br />gains, losses, assets, and liabilities resulting from nonexchange transactions are recognized in <br />accordance with the requirements of GASB Statement 33 — Accounting and Financial Reporting for <br />Nonexchange Transactions. <br />Program revenues include charges for services, special assessments, and payments made by parties <br />outside of the reporting government's citizenry if that money is restricted to a particular program. <br />Program revenues are netted with program expenses in the statement of activities to present the net <br />expense of each program. <br />Amounts paid to acquire capital assets are capitalized as assets in the government -wide financial <br />statements, rather than reported as expenditure. Issuance of long-term debt is recorded as a liability in <br />the government -wide financial statements, rather than as an other financing source. Amounts paid to <br />reduce long-term indebtedness of the reporting government are reported as a reduction of the related <br />liability, rather than as an expenditure. <br />As a general rule, the effect of interfund activity has been eliminated from the government -wide <br />financial statements. The County chooses to eliminate the indirect costs between governmental <br />activities to avoid a "doubling up" effect. However, interfund services provided and used, such as the <br />sale of gas and diesel from Fleet Management to the government, are not eliminated in the statement of <br />activities. <br />we <br />