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Cumprehensive I lair Sturmwaiter Management Sub-Elememl <br />Water Quality <br />Batwccar.i :I 9cl( and 2008, Ind:iari River Llagoon water qual:ityl remained fairly oonstanl. Within ilhc <br />]lagoon, water quaLily is mciasurcid at various points. At coach point, watch quality geneiratly f lucatuales <br />within establishes rangers. FJecacanfly, walcir qualit)l al several waler monitoring slat:ians showed <br />impravcament. That improvement may be the result of scavcra] recaenit watar qual:ityl projecls, <br />including: muck dredging in ihea St. "lIcitasilian Rlvar, the creation of stormwater marshlcs to purif)j <br />pollluted wataii, and imipravcad scadimeivat:ion and carosion control pracatiocas. <br />While ilhc majority of thea lagoon's wateni within Indian Rlvar County{ ma:inlainis the Florida <br />Deplarlment ofl Environmental Plrotecation (DEB) designation of "Outstanding Florida )Maters", <br />Lagoons water qual:iq :is lower in lhlea oeantrall and southern parlions oflthca county. Aacording to thea <br />20(181✓ HP Surfficae Wal ani Quallity standards raparl, Lagoon waters within thea county arca c asignated by <br />the State as "Class IIP' from appiioximatelly Grand Harbor south to an east/wast lline inatersucat:ing tho <br />narlhlernmost tip aflRlound Island, and all ang lhle wcaslern side of thea Irltraaaastal Waterwayl (l CW) from <br />the Wabasso Causeway north ilo ilha narth caounty linca. "Class II" waters eaxlend fromthe north) county] <br />line south to thea Wabasso caauseway coast of the ICW, from the )Nlabasso oauseway south to the northern <br />limit oil the Grand Harbor development, and from an caast/west )line iratersecating lhle northern tip ofl <br />Round Island south to the soulhl oounty line. <br />Improviing thf Quality of Stormwiater Flowing into thl( Lagoon <br />Arr.cang the caarliasl devcalopmients in the county was lhla caonstrucation ofla mass:ivca drainage systema <br />with three outfalls to the Indian Rilvcr Llagoon. Thosca outfalls ara the Main FJe:lief Cana], North <br />Mcdicaf Canal, and the Sou1h1 Rlcaliefl Canal. Throughloul the southaasilarni pariion afl Indian Rlvcar <br />Countyj, stormwatar runoff) is ilransportad to lhca ]lagocan via this drainaga system. <br />To improve tho qualit)l ofl stormwater flowing irrla the lagoon, the caountyj, in 2007, oommenccad <br />construicat:ion on the Marin Ral:icafl Cana] Arojact, a filtration system Lsting scaries scareening <br />melhlado:logy to treat 200 million gallons aflwater par day. Conslrucation afla secaand waler quality <br />pro j eut known as the Egret Marsh is schledulcad fbri completion in 2(110.31ha Egiiet Marsh) projecat will <br />treat 10 milli an gall ans ofIwater par day ina tho Lateral 11 canal bafkira it reacahes the lagoon. <br />Cuing forward, thea county should caons:idcr constructian oflpol]uilion controll facailiilies :in the North <br />and South Aeliicif caanalls, using scaries screcaraing methodoll agM s:imi:lwi to the Marin Rlcalicaflcaanal proje(at. <br />To fund thosa pro jecatts, lhla caaunty should oontinuca irts pollay of scacklinag funds through) Secation 319 <br />Crants, Snoak Tag funds, Slurf doe Wlater Improvament Maraagemennl (SW M) praElrama grants, and <br />thriough support oft state and faderall funding far implcmenatalion of thea Indian Rlvar Laglaan <br />Comprehlensiiva Managemarat Phan. <br />C aimmun it) E eveluElment Depaarta ent In ds an Riven C aunt) A <br />