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Comprelienisive Plan Starrrimuater M ainagement Suit-Hlemienil <br />Zonei "A" - Base flood cilevations have not becin detcarminied. <br />Zona "AFI" Base flood cilevations certermir.ieid. <br />Zor.iei "AH" - Base flood elevations c eitermiined; fllooc depths of 1 to 3 feat (usually arcias of <br />ponding). <br />Zor.iei "AO" - Averago depthlsa delerm:incad; f. ood c capthls of 1 to =1 fOet. <br />Zor.iei "L " - Areas in which) f and hazards area undetermined. <br />Zor.iei "N " - Coastal f. ood area with velaaity hazard (wave acat:ion); <br />no base flood cilevalion dei armination. <br />Zor.ia "N B" - Coastal flood area with velaaity hazard (wave acation); <br />base flood eleivatians determiincid. <br />Zor.ia "X" - 1) Ai eas outsido a 500 yciar f land; 2) Areas of 300 yean flood (outside ll OCI ycian f load'; <br />on, 3) Areas afl 100 ycian flood withl aveirage dcipthls less lhlan ll foot, w:ilh dnair i <br />arcias less than ll square mi:lci, ar areas pralected by levees fram a ICICI year flood. <br />C OBRA Zone- Flood iinsunanco not ava:i ll able for new or subs) anti al ly improved strucll urcis altar a <br />sapeciific doadline on designaleid aaasi1al ban ier islands. <br />Flowi Rllallei: Arcia(sq.ft) x Vciloaityljf�s) = disahmoa rate ar flow rata. <br />Impervious swfaaci: Mlis refensi to a subsllance ar sunfacae, suah as a raac, parking lot ar building, <br />whliah will nal allow the passage of waator or othar Equiic s (iimpermciabil:iq). <br />Nallural Drainaga Feartunes: Mcisci arca nasally aaauning attrih u� cis of an area Ail. lichl acaammodate <br />thla flaw of stormwaten, suah as ]land cover, strieamis, riivens, lakes, and wetlands. Ceinerallly, <br />unaltercadyl unimproved natural featurcis are aapablla of accomrriadating a 2 year storm event. <br />Nonipoirit saourcae pollutions: This is the iinlraduationi of physical, aheimiaad, arid/or biologicaal <br />impwit:icis irito a water column frami diffusei and urdaaurnenitectunknown sauracis. <br />One Hundred (ll O(I) Year Storm Event: phis :i s the magr iitude storm that has a (ll) percent chlancae <br />cif Ibeing equaled ar excecideid :in a givemi ycian. <br />Pre-develapmieint caonditions: Thase are thea aandiitioris (rie:lief, land cover, and the rates, volume and <br />c iiractiian of stormwaater runoff) w�hliah arca presanll at a site priori to 11.1am <br />la aomenacamenat of land <br />c iisturb:ing actiiviticas. <br />Plosl-davealopment aandillions: Those arca the coniditkins (Irci icif, land coven, and lha rate, valume and <br />dircactian afl stormwaatcar runoff) whliah are prasenl at a sites follawiing lhei completion afl land <br />disturbing activities. <br />Camra roily Develarlinenil nlellarlrnenil Inidliaini Hiner Couinily 3 <br />