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Comprehensive Plan Conservation Element <br />Table 8.1. In the survey, each soil map unit is rated for various types of suitability, including <br />cropland, pasture, woodland, on-site disposal (septic) systems, building sites, and recreation. Listed <br />below is a general description of the soil series within Indian River County. <br />Soil Series <br />Soils of the Sand Ridges <br />ASTATULA-ARCHBOLD-ST.LUCIE: Nearly level to gently sloping, excessively drained and <br />moderately well drained soils that are sandy to a depth of 80 inches or more. <br />Soils of the Barrier Island and Coastal Marshes <br />CANAVERAL-CAPTIVA-PALM BEACH: Nearly level to gently sloping, somewhat poorly <br />drained to moderately well drained, and well drained to excessively well drained, sandy soils that <br />contain shell fragments. <br />MCKEE-QUARTZIPSAMMENTS-ST.AUGUSTINE: Level, very poorly drained, loamy soils that <br />have very low soil strength; some nearly level, somewhat poorly drained to moderately well drained <br />soils, sand and shell fragments; and some level, somewhat poorly drained soils that are mixed sand <br />and shell fragments. <br />Soils of Flatwoods, Low Knolls and Ridges <br />IMMOKALEE-MYAKKA-SATELLITE: Nearly level, poorly drained and somewhat poorly drained <br />soils; some are sandy throughout, and some have dark sandy subsoil. <br />EAUGALLIE-OLDSMAR-WABASSO: Nearly level, poorly drained soils that have a dark sandy <br />subsoil; some have a subsoil that is underlain by loamy material at a depth of less than 40 inches, and <br />some are sandy throughout and have a dark sandy subsoil at a depth of 20 to 30 inches. <br />MYAKKA-IMMOKALEE: Nearly level, poorly drained soils that have a dark sandy subsoil. <br />EAUGALLIE-MYAKKA-RIVIERA: Nearly level, poorly drained soils; some have a loamy subsoil <br />at a depth of less than 40 inches, some have a dark sandy subsoil at a depth of 20 to 30 inches, and <br />some are sandy throughout and have a dark sandy subsoil at a depth of 20 to 30 inches. <br />Community Development Department Indian River County 6 <br />