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2. Minor variations are permitted after Zoning <br />Department- approval in writing, which approval shall be affixed <br />to the site plan. Cease and desist orders may be issued by the <br />Zoning Department when violations are discovered and all work <br />not in conformity with the approved site plan shall cease until <br />Zoning Department approval is given or a revised site plan is <br />approved by the Commission. <br />3. The applicant's architect or engineer of record <br />shall notify the Zoning Department when the project is completed <br />and shall certify under seal that it conforms to the approved site <br />plan and that any variations have been approved in writing by <br />the Zoning Department. The Zoning Department shall make a final <br />inspection and certify the project was completed in accordance <br />with the approved site plan and the Final Certification of <br />Approval shall be attached to the site plan and a copy sent to <br />the applicant. <br />4. A fee for said inspections shall be established by <br />Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. <br />K. Should any section, clause, word or provisions of <br />this ordinance, or application of a provision contained within <br />this ordinance, be declared by the County to be unconstitutional <br />or invalid, such declaration shall not affect the validity of. <br />the ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the <br />part or application declared to be unconstitutional or invalid. <br />L. This Ordinance shall be effective this 12th day of <br />April , 1978. <br />