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provided, The special assessnuntls provided for herein, shall he a lien <br />upon the lands so assessed along; with the County taxes assessed against <br />the same until said assessments and taxes havebeen paid, and, if same <br />become delinquent, shall bo considered a part of the County tax, subject <br />to the same penalties, charges, fees and remedies for enforcement and <br />collection as provided by the laws of the State of Florida for the collection <br />Of such taxes. <br />The following lands are exempted from the provisions of <br />this Ordinance for purposes of assessments: <br />(a) Those parts of any platted and recorded subdivision <br />which lie within the corporate limits of any municipality <br />in Indian River County. <br />(b) All lands owned and operated under the jurisdiction <br />of any community association. <br />(c) All lands within the district owned by any church or <br />Church denomination that is used for the holding of church <br />services. <br />(d) All lands owned and occupied by buildings owned and <br />operated by the Indian River County Board of Public <br />Instruction for the purposes of operating a school for the <br />education of the citizens of Indian liver County. <br />SECTION 5 - REFERENDUM: <br />A. This Ordinance shall be submitted to the qualified electors <br />residing within the boundaries of the proposed district for adoption <br />or rejection at an election to be called by the Board of County <br />Commissioners. Only those persons who are residents of the proposed <br />district and who are qualified voters shall be entitled to vote in said <br />election. Notice of said election shall be published once a week for <br />four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within <br />Indian li-ver County, which notice shall generally describe the purpose of <br />the election and the area sought to be constituted a special purpose district, <br />and the time, place and date of said elccti.on. Said election shall be <br />conducted in the s:cmc manner .uul under the scurne laws, rules and <br />ret ululiun:; :(„ those uculet• primary elections are held. It shall <br />1W WC duly of the Lio:trd of C'nunty Commissioners to pru\,idc the necessary <br />hallots fou• v o; iu" \ utinl n ;,cl�inr^:, N utinl* l'd:iru•s, iuspcctot•s, cict•ks, and <br />dertltv sh ritl:: fur iL. h.>a�li�i < of :;tic1. el( tioa. <br />- 13 - <br />