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that it be called RP. -1. <br />On Motion made by Commissioner Fletcher, seconded by <br />Commissioner Scurlock, the Board unanimously agreed to <br />create a new Land Use category following the guidelines <br />proposed by the Roseland Property Owners Association, to be <br />known as RR -1; the boundaries for this designation to be <br />defined later, and the balance of the area to remain LD -1. <br />DANCY PROPERTY <br />Frank Dancy next came before the Board in regard to his <br />property which was bought as grove property 60 years ago. <br />He noted that as urban pressures increase, his family will <br />be forced out of the grove property, and they would like to <br />have the Board give them an LD -1 designation rather than <br />RR. <br />Planning Director Rever commented that that this area <br />now is basically grove property. The annual review would <br />reveal when the urban pressures come along, and the <br />designation could be changed at that time. <br />In further discussion, other Board members assured Mr. <br />Dancy that there will be an annual review, and as these <br />pressures appear, they will be taken into consideration. It <br />was noted that this property was put in the RR designation <br />rather than left strictly agricultural because of the <br />nearness of the residential. <br />Mr. Meidel inquired about the boundaries of the . <br />industrial node, and Mr. Rever stated there are no specific <br />boundaries; this designation just puts a limitation on the <br />amount of land authorized to be developed in that category <br />over a period of time. <br />MD -1 AREA IN ROSELAND <br />Discussion ensued about changing the PAID -1 in the <br />Roseland area to LD -1. <br />Senior Planner Challacombe reported that the Planning <br />staff considered the existing land uses, the existing <br />zoning, and the existing Comprehensive Plan designations in <br />arriving at the MD -1 designation, and approximately 20% of <br />13 <br />RUGK 47 PAGE 1182 <br />OCT 1 '1981 <br />